Wednesday, July 20, 2011

packy packy

hey hey hey!

My random pic for this week is my playing a baby shower game.
My boyfriend also played & guess what?
He won!
His prize... A Stella Rosa Bottle (which he game me because he's a beer man) yesss! haha
Anyway on with my blog post ...

two more days well 1 1/2 and I will be in Vegas visiting my little rugrats (nephews), partying & at the Las Vegas Lake (I think thats what its called) haha! anyways, I just got my oil changed & cleaned out my car.
Tomorrow is my last day of work until the mini vacay! yay!

My little nephews!
Cutest on the planet!

I have been reading up on a lot of blogs & tutorials and its really encouraging me to learn all this web design thing - thanks to AmyMorby's blog & this link for a blog button! its so hard! lol but I am getting closer!
I reformatted that size & designed the button - I just need to figure out how to put on a widget ... am I getting closer? lol if you have any tips, holla at me ;)

I also have been taking alot of pics - but my computer is wack so it takes forever to upload!

Here are a few:

the two above pics are taken on my porch :)

those three were taken on the 4th obviously, ha.

to end here is a pic of me and my boy ♥
we are unstoppable!

enjoy your night friends!

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